Black elephants in the room
Do you know any Black Republicans? No, Ben Carson and Candace Owens don’t count.I’m talking about Black people just living their lives, voting Republican. This demographic of Americans is generally suspect to the rest of the country. White Republicans don’t see past the color of their skin, Black Democrats think they’re sellouts, and everyone else is just confused.Everyone has their reasons for their opinions of Black Republicans without really talking to one, but Corey Fields shares a more in-depth look at their lives and beliefs in his book, Black Elephants in the Room.I picked up the book assuming that I would disagree with a lot of their viewpoints, but I took it as a low stakes opportunity to listen and learn.Fields traces the lives of several Black Republicans who embrace their politics, stand up for themselves, and don’t do it for money and attention. These people are our friends and neighbors and believe that they have Black people’s interests at heart. Like with Self-Portrait in Black and White (see post here), you and I do not have to agree with anything Black Republicans believe, but can acknowledge the potential for shared experiences and common goals when we engage one another. With that said, Fields does a great job of pointing out the flawed and misguided thinking at play, and the general absurdity of their position in politics.
Republican presidential nominee has not garnered more than 10% of black vote since 1976Black republicans do not have significantly higher incomes or go to church more\”Party of Lincoln\” narrative ignores the fact that mutually beneficial support between blacks and Republican party was short-livedGreat Depression disproportionately damaged black people, FDR and Democratic leadership were not interested in racial issues and distanced themselves from black constituenciesBlacks discriminated against and saw little benefit from New Deal ProgramsHarry Truman, Democrat, started President\’s committee on Civil Rights, calling for equal voting rights and employment opportunitiesBarry Goldwater, Republican, runs anti-civil rights campaign in 1964 alienates black republicans and 90% of black people vote for Lyndon B. JohnsonBlacks still supporting Republicans in state and local elections though, majority of blacks in NYC supported Republican mayor and governor1980-Black Alternative Conference, known as \”Fairmont Conference\” after SF hotel where it was held, symbolic beginning of modern black conservatism, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Clarence Thomas present