40. Reaching for Cosmic Glory with Glory Edim

Glory Edim has spent a lifetime gathering and uplifting the stories of Black women.
As a little girl in Arlington Virginia, Glory could be found at her local library reading The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison.
As a college student at Howard University, Glory could be found at Founders Library reading Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston.
As the visionary founder of Well-Read Black Girl, Glory can be found in the pages of her book On Girlhood: 15 Stories from the Well-Read Black Girl Library.
On Girlhood is a beautifully curated anthology of short stories that explore the thin line between Black girlhood and womanhood.
In this episode, we trace the intersections among Glory’s experiences and the stories featured in her book, hear how the narratives of Black girls and women help Glory navigate life, and learn from her what it means to believe in your best self.
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